Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I AIN'T buying no 'Breast Milk Baby"!

SMDH! For those of you that doesn't know what "SMDH" is, it means "shaking my damn head".

Really! What will they think of next? The Birth Control Barbie or even better Condom Ken?
This is so creepy to me. Knowing that it's ok to see young girls walking around breast feeding their baby dolls. WOW!

"The Breast Milk Baby simulates the breast-feeding process by including a fashionable halter-top that a young girl can put on like a vest and when she brings the Breast Milk Baby doll’s mouth up to the pretty flower decoration on the vest the doll makes a soft, suckling sound. The two flowers on the halter are positioned where the nipples would be and when the mouth of the doll is brought close to the embedded sensors in the flower, the baby makes motions and suckling sounds."

What are your thoughts? Would you buy one of these dolls?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Christmas Mission

Christmas is right around the corner and will be here sooner than we think. So, here's what we are working on.

We are going to do the Christmas thingy again and help the needy, so please spread the word that we are now taking donations for our upcoming 'Christmas Mission'.

Our mission is to help make this Christmas special for someone that is less fortunate during the holidays. Let's put a smile on someones face this year...

Things needed are...
in any sizes of course.

Make sure the items are in good condition and that the toys work if battery operated.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Penis Revenge!

Catherine Kieu Becker, 48, is under arrest for chopping off her husband's penis and tossing it in the garbage disposal.

Read Full Story

Now ladies, I know we are from the South and think of revenge every once in a while but come on now, this is taking it to another level. What was she thinking?! What can drive a woman to do this type of uncalled behavoir?

Also, I'm just glad I have neve been in a relationship to where I would even have to think of doing such.

What are your thoughts? Would love some feedback....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hi gals.
Hope you all have been having a great summer. So far, so good, here around this neck of the woods. All besides the smoke in the air on a daily basis.

Well, I just wanted to take the time to thank all my gals for being a part of the Southeast Ga. Gal Group...
It means the world to me and gives me a piece of mind to know I have some awesome friends to be able to turn to. So with that, I will see you gals around....If not here the Facebook we will meet... HEHEHEHE

Have a good one, and Til Then!

Join us on Facebook if you haven't already.

The SEGG on Facebook